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Special Announcement - Covid-19 Update

The word “unprecedented” has been used repeatedly to describe the situation the “World” is facing today. “Social Distance” another common phrase we hear repeatedly. I was thinking today of the number of times I have traveled by Air, the flight attendant would come on with the “safety” instructions and no one listened. Today we need to listen!!!

Here in Ontario we are facing an escalating situation that has not yet peaked. We are all hoping it will level soon. Without a crystal ball we have no way to predict any escalation, leveling or decline of the situation locally.

The Board conferenced a couple of days ago (practicing social distance). We reviewed upcoming activities –

Annual General Meeting – Kids Fishing Derby – Golf Outing at Byrnell’s, etc. We have come to the conclusion that, rather than pick alternative dates in this time of uncertainty, we have decided to postpone all Association activity that would in any way involve groups of people. This is indefinite, with a view to reinstating activities when the situation warrants.

Nevertheless, we are currently working on our Spring newsletter, and our goal is to have this mailed before June 15. We wish there could be door-to-door personal delivery, but we can’t.

We are also attempting to address the subject matter from our survey last fall. This is becoming increasingly more difficult. One of the top concerns was the Coboconk Quarry. Our challenge is obtaining permit and regulation information from government offices that are closed. We will continue our efforts on the issues raised in the survey, but we anticipate some delays.

Charities – One of our members has brought to our attention a support charity for the Bobcageon Pinecrest Nursing home catastrophe. The board has concluded that it is appropriate to donate to this cause. We have also decided to make donations to the Coboconk Food Bank and the Fenelon Food Bank. While we are not looking to become a charitable foundation, we do expect other situations may arise. We will only consider charitable donations in the immediate regions surrounding the lake, and approvals by the board will be on a case-by-case basis). For those wishing to make personal donations, there’s information below.

Annual Dues – Over the years, the AGM has also served as a payment reminder for annual dues. Not knowing at this point when it will be possible to hold a meeting, we would ask that you forward dues (Cheque or PayPal)

Best wishes / Stay safe …

Doug Timmins


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