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Oct 15 - Meeting to approve new Bylaws

During the last AGM meeting, we presented our members with the need to review and revise our by-laws to comply with Ontario's Not For Profit Corporation Act (ONCA), which replaced the Ontario Corporations Act on October 19th, 2021.

We have until October 18, 2024, to review, update and file our governing documents with the Ontario government. Until then, the rules in our articles and bylaws remain valid as they were in place before the ONCA took effect.

Our team has been working diligently to meet this deadline. We require a Special Members Meeting to review and approve the revisions to our by-laws, which will be held online on October 15, 2024, at 7 pm.

Our existing by-law requires that we notify members of any special members meeting at least two weeks before the meeting and that any "amendment to the by-laws must be passed by a two-thirds majority of members present at the meeting", in person or by proxy.

The by-law document, the proxy form and a document with the ZOOM link will be made available for review one week before the meeting,  The materials will be posted in the RESOURCES tab, under the Special General Meeting heading [need to be logged into the site to view].


Meeting date: October 15th, 7PM online via Zoom

Link to Bylaw document to review: view now (must be logged in to view)


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