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Updates to Facebook - new Family Membership

Our Facebook Group is growing and in order to control access to the FMLA Facebook group (and website access) the following changes will take place. Only current members and their spouses will have access to the Facebook

group. If additional family members wish to join the group, the primary member must pay the additional Family Fee. The Family Fee, which has been available for many years, has provided family members with the

spring and fall newsletters plus the monthly 4Miler. The Family Fee has now been expanded to include access to the Facebook group.

The Family Fee is $10 per year and will allow up to 5 family members to receive the newsletters as well as join the Facebook group. The Family fee option is also now available here: or you can submit a cheque, listing the family members, including email addresses you would like added. And remember, the membership is per property.

The Facebook group membership listing will be reviewed and effective July 31st all non members will be removed. Only 2021/22 members including those that have paid the additional Family fee will remain as members.

If you are not sure if you have paid this seasons membership just send a note to and we can confirm for you.


Ann Hayter

Interim President



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To preserve, promote and protect the beauty and integrity of FML and the surrounding area.


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Mailing Address:

Four Mile Lake Association
General Delivery
Burnt River, ON  K0M 1C0


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© 2024 by the Four Mile Lake Association 

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